Thursday, November 21, 2013

Milky Way: the "baby"

Hello! I would like to finally introduce Milky to you! She's Tiny's new cage-mate. After Miny's death, I noticed Tiny was confused and lonely. Luckily it only lasted  3 days till we final found a pet store that carried a guinea pig for Tiny! I was also keeping her company those days. I did my research and I found out that with a guinea pig as old as Tiny I needed to get a cage-mate that was under 3 months old, this was tricky as not all pet shops I went to knew the exact age of the pets they sold. I thought I could find her a 'baby' for her birthday, but that failed, however, the day after that I finally went to a store that had the right piggie. She's very scared and shy, even now, after I had her for almost 7 months! But she trusts me more and more every day.
At first the 2 didn't get along at all and Tiny even bit Milky a few times, but gradually they started to get on better. I kind of expected Tiny to treat Milky like her own child, but she treats her like a... well....just like a fellow cage-mate. I do believe Milky thinks Tiny is her mommy or something, it's cute! 
I'll end this post with some pictures of Milky, from when she was little (when we just got her) to now, you'll notice she grew a lot!