Thursday, December 19, 2013

R.I.P. Tiny

Tiny passed away on the 28th of November. This is how I found her when I came home after school, it was quite a shock for me, but now that I look at it ts was so clear, all those subtle signs. I noticed she started getting thinner a few months ago (in the beginning of October I think), but I didn't really pay attention to it. Then she had a horrible swelling on her eye that didn't go away, I think it started at the end of September, but we couldn't go to the vet until 31st October, it seems like such a stretch and it's probably why the swelling never went away completely, even when she got medicine, it was probably too bad to be helped anymore. When we were at the vet there was also a swelling discovered under her chin, but because Tiny was so old an operation couldn't be risked. It's weird because on November 3th in the evening she was acting very strange, it looked like she was between life and death, I was really worried, but the next day she was just fine. She didn't want to eat or drink anymore on the 27th November I wanted to try force-feeding, but I was scared and I didn't even have the proper stuff to it. In the morning on the 28th she was breathing very heavily and she was pretty limp. When I came home and found her like this I was devastated and it seems like she died around 10-12 pm because she was still warm and very limp.
It's sad this happened so quickly (well, 8 months) after Miny's death, but now they're together at last. Tiny's funeral was held on December 1st.
We did make a mistake that I didn't know about back then, I should've let Tiny in the cage with Milky until Milky discovered that she was dead, because she was really attached to Tiny and couldn't handle being alone very well. I was very sad that I had to do such a thing, but I went searching for a 'sister' for Milky and I found a really small guinea pig (barely 1 month at the time) that I named Winnie; she'll have her introduction post soon. The reason why I mention her here is that she is currently suffering of the same thing Tiny suffered: a closed eye (not swollen like Tiny) with icky stuff coming out of it, and she has trouble breathing. We went to the vet with her on the 17th and she got her medicine for both her problems and it looks like she's slowly recovering.
At last Tiny and Miny are together again.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Milky Way: the "baby"

Hello! I would like to finally introduce Milky to you! She's Tiny's new cage-mate. After Miny's death, I noticed Tiny was confused and lonely. Luckily it only lasted  3 days till we final found a pet store that carried a guinea pig for Tiny! I was also keeping her company those days. I did my research and I found out that with a guinea pig as old as Tiny I needed to get a cage-mate that was under 3 months old, this was tricky as not all pet shops I went to knew the exact age of the pets they sold. I thought I could find her a 'baby' for her birthday, but that failed, however, the day after that I finally went to a store that had the right piggie. She's very scared and shy, even now, after I had her for almost 7 months! But she trusts me more and more every day.
At first the 2 didn't get along at all and Tiny even bit Milky a few times, but gradually they started to get on better. I kind of expected Tiny to treat Milky like her own child, but she treats her like a... well....just like a fellow cage-mate. I do believe Milky thinks Tiny is her mommy or something, it's cute! 
I'll end this post with some pictures of Milky, from when she was little (when we just got her) to now, you'll notice she grew a lot! 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

R.I.P. Miny

R.I.P. Miny  05/04/2008 - 31/03/2013

Sadly, Miny passed away on the night of the 31st March. She was almost 5 years old. It was a very shocking discovery, I just came back from a 2-day trip to France with my family (we left the guinea pigs at home with enough food and water). Miny wasn't doing very well, she was hoarse 2 weeks before this and we didn't knew how that came, but we decided to wait a few days before going to the vet, and her voice came back; but she had trouble eating. Before we left we saw that a part of her tooth was broken, but she was still trying to eat, so we thought it didn't trouble her too much. Boy, was I wrong. When we came back the first thing I do is to check on my guinea pigs to see if they're alright. I came in and Miny was lying down, it looked like she was sleeping and Tiny was behind her. One second in and I felt something was terribly off. Miny didn't budge, she was usually such an energetic little piggie. I opened up the cage and pushed her a bit (normally she gets scared from that)...and she just toppled. She was hard and stayed in the exact position, kind of like those stuffed animals in the museum. I started crying, and after that we buried her in a park very near. It was very sad, I am crying while typing this. Tiny is also very sad, and the saddest thing is that I can't explain to her what happened. When we took Miny out of the cage, Tiny kept going back to the place where Miny was, just to see if she's there. They're very close, Tiny and Miny have spent all their life together, we bought them together at the pet shop. It's not easy for Tiny, but she's doing a bit better now, still wheeking for Miny every now and then. I try to spend more time with her, and I'm searching for a new mate for Tiny, she can't stay alone. But let's not go off-topic. This has been such a lenghty post, I will put all pictures of Miny under the cut